21 julio 2021

Summer holidays 2021! SCS is closed from August, 7th to 16th

Summer holidays are coming and SCS will be closed from 7th to 16h August. Enjoy your holidays and your deserved relax!
1 julio 2021

Looking forward to welcoming you to our stand (A4-4009) in Fakuma trade show!

Despite the tough period we went through, S.C.S. has kept on developing smart solutions. We’re eager to show you them!
10 junio 2021

Take your seat in summer BBQs!

Take your seat in summer BBQs! For the next BBQs with your friends don’t miss our cool-looking and comfortable stool! Watch the video:
18 mayo 2021

Difference-making moulds

For over thirtyfive years, SCS Società Costruzione Stampi have been dealing with design, construction and trial of steel moulds used in packaging sector for thermoplastic material injection. In […]